VTP Thanks...

Here are just a few of the people that made the VTP happen, primarily in the early period of 1999 to 2005.

  • Chris 'Xenon' Hanson for code submissions, and building a bridge from the non-realtime terrain world!
  • Pete Willemsen for Unix porting and useful work in road representation
  • Roger James has contributed much work on buildings, roofs, imagery, format support, and much more
  • Mike Flaxman for huge contributions to the VTP community including assembling the first massive real-world planning application
  • Paul Selormey helped moderate the mailing list
  • Lots of people who did the translations for internationalization of the applications
  • Cassandra, for some research, modeling, and handling the distribution requests for 2 years
  • Matt Wilkie for enthusiastic end-user testing and feedback
  • Randall Hopper did lots of work on the Unix port of the VTP software
  • Johan Hammes for great technology and ideas, and plants
  • Robert Osfield of OSG, for a wonderful and well-supported 3D library
  • Frank Warmerdam for amazing, tireless support of immensely useful libraries
  • the late Seumas McNally, for proving that regular-grid LOD works for consumer apps, and writing what was then the best CLOD algorithm in the world
  • Paul Hansen, Omnitect, for good ideas on global texturing and inspiring demo work
  • Stewart and Bernd of Greenworks, for their fresh approach to plants
  • Tom Hubina, John Ratcliff, Thatcher Ulrich, Chris Babcock, and many more developers in the game community for rendering ideas
  • Travis and Tracey Heggie, geographers, met while they were at UH Hilo in 1999
  • David Koller, for help implementing his LOD algorithm and enthusiastic encouragement to attempt the improbable
  • Dave Eberly of Geometric Tools for the occasional algorithm
  • Rachel Nador for cool work on intersections
  • Peter, Lori, and the other folks who made Virtually Hawai‘i, for some early satellite images and website inspiration
  • Bill Graham of ITESM's Ecovis project in Guaymas, Mexico, for collaboration and encouragement
  • Honolulu-based STI Services, Florida-based Imagelinks, and Air Survey Hawai‘i for early demo imagery
  • Priscilla Millen of UH for the excellent site Plants in the Hawaiian Environment
  • Jack (3dweb.com), Josh, and other friends and associates who gave feedback for the explanation page
  • the nice but overworked government employees at the Menlo Park USGS ESIC
  • Robert W. Gray for his excellent educational notes and demonstration on the Dymaxion projection
  • Richard Horne for sharing the source to his program 3DEM, which first showed how to read DEM files
  • Deanan DaSilva, Erik Larsen and other in the graphics community that have contributed useful references
  • Roger Bedell and Scott Williams for advice on the Building Extractor
  • the thousands of VTP recipients, for testing and feedback

anyone i'm forgetting, please email to remind me!